As of today (25), the temperature measurement of passengers by the thermal camera at Fortaleza Airport will start operating. The Dahua company tool was installed close to the domestic shipment before the ticket reading equipment. It has a sensor capable of converting the infrared radiation emitted by the human body into an image, and, in three minutes, it can measure the temperature of 500 people. The technology is safe and poses no health risk, according to the airport.
This is another initiative by the airport to prevent and raise awareness of the spread of the coronavirus. In addition to the usual cleaning and sanitation routine, reinforced since the beginning of the pandemic, signs were applied that reinforce the recommendations made by Brazilian health authorities, such as the use of masks and safe distance markers, as well as audible and video alerts about the forms of prevention and symptoms of COVID-19 are being broadcast on the terminal’s media.
Alcohol gel was also made available in areas with high circulation of people and sanitary barriers – by measuring the temperature of passengers at disembarkation – are carried out by the Health Department of the State of Ceará. The company also performed the disinfection of the airport areas in partnership with the Brazilian Army.