A project created by the Ministry of Infrastructure (MInfra) in partnership with Serpro, an IT company from the Federal Government, and supported by Florianópolis International Airport (FLN), aims to make the boarding process at airports more efficient and air travel safer. Based on facial recognition, the Embarque Seguro project begins…
The wireless internet at Guarulhos airport in São Paulo is faster and with fewer failures. This is what the terminal administrator, GRU Airport, and the global technology provider Boingo promise. This is Wi-Fi 6, a system that Boingo considers an important milestone in the wireless world in the 5G era.…
Gol Airlines continues to invest in technological solutions to serve its customers. After introducing GAL, the physical self-service robot, still in 2019, GOL has just launched a telepresence robot. In the proof of concept (POC) phase, which continues until October 9, the equipment developed in partnership with Pluginbot works interacting…
With the gradual resumption of flights, Brasília Airport has adopted measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 and provide tranquility to those who need to travel. With that in mind, Inframerica, the concessionaire that manages the Brasilia terminal, launched the campaign Para Você Voar Tranquilo, intending to keep passengers informed…
Construction work at Cataratas International Airport, in Foz do Iguaçu (PR), continues at an accelerated pace. Infraero takes advantage of the reduction in the demand for flights to redesign the works, advancing the measures for the process of resuming the Brazilian airline industry. The value of the contract is R…